Monday, November 20, 2006

Inside Tourette Syndrome, An In-Depth View of TS, OCD

Tourette Syndrome Documentary film NOW AVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD: Inside Tourette Syndrome
The 33-minute video is produced by a person with Tourette syndrome and features five individuals with TS.

The film's purpose is to help people understand what it is like to experience Tourettic symptoms. We believe that this film provides an unsurpassed inside view of "how it feels" to experience the tics and obsessive-compulsive symptoms associated with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.

It also presents a look at the history of the disorder and the treatment of people with TS in the past. This historical information reveals the roots of many misconceptions that exist today about Tourette's.

The film was originally available only as a DVD but we have recently released the download version (available in either Windows Media format or Quicktime format). It is about a four-minute download using a high-speed internet connection and may be viewed on any modern Mac or Windows-based PC.

Because there is no shipping and no DVD manufacturing involved, we lowered the download version's price to only $8.99 USD (the DVD is $24.95). Hopefully Inside Tourette Syndrome will lead to an overall better understanding of TS and a greater respect for those who must deal with this difficult disorder.
Here is the website for the documentary:

Thanks for checking it out!